
Occupational exposure assessment in a radioactive facility: a preliminary evaluation

Artigo original publicado em INGLÊS

Abstract - The risk that a worker has found on the job is a function of the hazards present and his exposure level to those hazards. Exposure and risk assessment is therefore the heart of all occupational health and industrial hygiene programs involving a continuous process of information gathering. The use of a systematic method to characterize workplace exposures to chemical, physical and biological risks is a fundamental part of this process. This study aims to carry out a preliminary evaluation in a radioactive facility, identifying potential exposures and consequently the existing occupational hazards (risk/agent) in the workplace which the employee is subject. The study is based on proposal to carry out a basic characterization of the facility, which could be the first step in the investigation of occupational exposure. For this study was essential to know the workplace, potential risks and agents; workforce profile including assignment of tasks, sources of exposure processes, and control measures. The main tool used in this study was based on references, records, standards, procedures, interviews with the workers and with management. Since the basic characterization of the facility has been carried out, consequently the potential exposure to the agents of risks to workers has been identified. The study provided an overview of the perception of risk founded at facility studied. It is expected to contribute with the occupational health program resources for welfare of the worker.

Ano de publicação: 2013

Outras informações: Autores: Alves, Alice dos Santos; Gerulis, Eduardo, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)); Sanches, Matias P.; Carneiro, Janete C.G.G. (Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP) Publicado em: INAC 2013: international nuclear atlantic conference; Recife, PE